person wearing a gold ring holding a pencil on a graphing paper

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Could having a homebased business be your start to financial independence & reproductive wellness? Do you ascribe to the FIRE methodology, Financial Independence Retire Early?  Whether you do or you do not the fact still remains that most persons would prefer to work at what their heart desires at the time that works best for their personal […]

Home-Based Business – Reallocating Your Time

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Feeling stressed?  Here are some coping mechanisms to help you harness control and relieve or at the very least minimize your stress, with the ultimate goal to assist you in achieving harmonious hormonal balance.  When we are stressed the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is activated.  So, when first encountering a stressful circumstance, you may at first […]

An Evidence-Based Guide to Stress Relief for Hormonal Balance

Woman lying on sofa sad.
thank you written on paper

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Technology can be a tool that may help adverse fertility and menopausal outcomes. Appropriate use of technology can be a tool that may help balance hormones and a solution for adverse fertility and menopausal symptoms. It’s use may help you to have better reproductive wellness overall. So how can we find methods to balance our […]

Using Technology to Assist In Balancing Your Reproductive Wellness

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A FORM OF EXPRESSION Anguish and concern can be released by expressing one’s thoughts using pen and paper, or in case of blogging, the keyboard. For many as part of their own personal appeal, journaling or blogging may begin and pass speedily when you are expressing thoughts, feelings, ideas, and your passion as a doula. […]

Blogging as a Doula and Wellness Professional

Laptop, cell phone and writing tablet atop an all wood desk

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