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Social Media MeWe for Your Doula Business Social media platforms offer doulas invaluable opportunities to connect with expectant parents, build a community and promote their services. MeWe, a privacy-focused social networking platform, offers doulas a unique space to authentically connect with clients and cultivate meaningful relationships. In this article, we share effective marketing strategies on […]

Elevating Your Doula Business-Effective Marketing Strategies on MeWe

woman sitting on floor while working on her laptop

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BLOGGING AS A FORM OF EXPRESSION Anguish and concern can be released by expressing one’s thoughts using pen and paper, or in the case of blogging for doulas and wellness professionals, the keyboard. For many, as part of their own personal appeal, journaling or blogging may begin and pass speedily when expressing thoughts, feelings, ideas, […]

Blogging as a Doula and Wellness Professional

laptop, cellphone and writing tablet on wooden table

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