Hormones, chemical transporters of biological information that circulate throughout a woman’s body have a bearing on the regulating of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). These hormones are produced within the pituitary gland and serve to stimulate the follicles of the ovaries to produce the eggs.
When estradiol and FSH are consistently high and a woman begins to notice abnormal fluctuations in her menstrual cycle, i.e., missed periods, periods that are closer together or further apart, or changes in the flow of blood, this usually is a sign that menopause is looming, and the ovaries are opting to shut down. [1]
It has been a held belief that females are born with all of their eggs. Yet, in a Harvard study[2], the results showed that females actually are not born with their full allotment of eggs, but that they continue to make eggs after birth.
So, given this, is it possible to pause the natural process of menopause, provide rejuvenation to the body so that pregnancy and childbirth can ensue? Does lifestyle and nutrition have an impact on lowering FSH and restoring or rejuvenating egg health?
Well, it is reasonable to assume that since healthful lifestyle and nutrition changes can have a positive effect on our overall health, that such changes should also positively affect hormonal and fertility outcomes. Let’s examine some evidence:
Healthy fats, in a Reproductive Sciences study, mentioned that omega-3 fish oils showed a reduction in serum follicle FSH levels[6]
Although there are no guarantees that making dietary and lifestyle changes can lower FSH for some or for all women, or that doing so can be the catalyst that thwarts infertility, thereby leading to pregnancy and birth, these pieces of evidence may prove promising.
[1] Making Babies, Sami S David, MD and Jill Blakeway, Lac, Little, Brown and Company, Hachette Book Group, 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017 https://www.yourhormones.info/hormones/follicle-stimulating-hormone/
[2] https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2004/03/examining-cell-death-researchers-explode-belief-about-life/
[3] https://europepmc.org/article/med/10100177
[4] https://academic.oup.com/jn/article/147/2/218/4630427
[5] https://acubalance.ca/elevated-fsh-follicle-stimulating-hormones
[6] Reduction in FSH Throughout the Menstrual Cycle After Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Young Normal Weight but not Obese Women https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30773100/
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A wife, daughter, sister and more with a love for people and a desire to help. Giving emphasis on the woman of advanced reproductive years to help you remove the obstacles that are preventing you from becoming a mother, and if that time has all but passed, to support you as you navigate gracefully through your new reality.
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