Do you ascribe to the FIRE methodology, Financial Independence Retire Early? Whether you do or you do not the fact still remains that most persons would prefer to work at what their heart desires at the time that works best for their personal circumstances.
If you have entered your advanced reproductive life, you no doubt would like for your day to day to be less about working a “9 to 5”, and more about pursing your own goals and talents. Of course you have a busy schedule, you work full-time, so how do you allocate time in your day to turn your talent or desire into a potential revenue stream that may lend space for your reproductive wellness? Let’s explore!
I too love a good movie, especially heartwarming Rom-Coms (romantic comedy). But the question is, are you watching television because you are feeling too tired to do anything else. Consider this, the average movie will run approximately 2-hours, and a single news show or sitcom about 30-minutes. If this is a pastime that is not adequately fueling your dreams by helping you to build on your talents, then it is not serving you, and not helping you to get from where you are to where you want to be. How close would you be to fulfilling your goals if you instead rested a short while, to give yourself a boost of energy to work on your blog, build your website, create those recipes, start your podcast? Just something to consider.
Something my Mother often reminds me of, make a list. Each evening make a list of the chores and errands that you plan to take care of the next day. Keep your list in a simple notebook at the side of your bed or wherever it would be most convenient. Be strategic in the way you address your “To Do” list. For instance, if running errands are on your list, map them out so that you are not backtracking.
What about the time that is spent on the phone, texting, the internet, or social media? Consider how you can eliminate excessive time on these things. Schedule specific days, or times to speak with family and friends over the phone, or to check-in on social media. Calculate the time that you now spend on these things in a given week and then work to adjust.
Chores, though necessary, do require our time. It is customary for many persons to use the weekends to attend to their chores. Can you make more time to pursue your home-based business by doing some chores in brief spurts during the weekday? Tackling some chores during the weekday, will give you more time during the weekend for your home-based business.
In your efforts to keep things tidy, you may want to tend to your mail the day it is received and sort and file appropriately. Place bills in a designated drawer, shelf or tray and do the same with other mailings. Your first goal here is to not let correspondence turn into clutter.
Later, you will want to revisit these items at a dedicated time within the month and respond accordingly, i.e., the 10th of each month, or the 5th and 21st of each month, or whatever day works best for you. And of course, all junk mail once the address label has been removed should be shredded or placed in the recycle bin. You could also keep a holding waste basket near the mail-slot in your home or near an entry door for tossing junk mail, and then at a designated time each month, remove any personal identifying information and recycle or shred.
It serves to reason that having a plan and following through will help you to better manage your time so that you can build your homebased business.
Organization is key and a core component in working towards financial independence. By appropriately allocating your time and being organized you will likely find a couple of extra hours in your day that will help you find the time needed to accomplish your goals. So, be strategic in the way you work at creating your home-based business. When writing out your schedule, you will want to notate the days and times that you have dedicated to working on your business, i.e., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, 6p to 10p, or whatever works for you.
For each project or task, be realistic about the time it will take towards fulfillment, i.e., realistically, how much time will it take to create your webpage, complete a series of blog articles, or complete a recipe video that you plan to upload to YouTube? Stick to your schedule so that you can stick to your goal, which is to be financially independent and help balance your reproductive wellness.
Set aside time for needed rest and relaxation, which is also paramount to not just helping you to refuel and work at your home-based business but is a component in caring for your reproductive wellness. So, take time out for yourself. Spend quality time with hubby, your family, and your friends.
Buy out time to analyze where in your day-to-day time is being wasted on things that do not serve you in reaching your goals, and on honing your talents, things like passively watching television, mindlessly surfing the internet or cruising on social media. Reallocate wasted time to things that help you to reach your goal of having a home-based business, which in turn may be your vehicle towards financial independence and subsequently lend space towards reproductive wellness.
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A wife, daughter, sister and more with a love for people and a desire to help. Giving emphasis on the woman of advanced reproductive years to help you remove the obstacles that are preventing you from becoming a mother, and if that time has all but passed, to support you as you navigate gracefully through your new reality.
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