Anguish and concern can be released by expressing one’s thoughts using pen and paper, or in the case of blogging for doulas and wellness professionals, the keyboard. For many, as part of their own personal appeal, journaling or blogging may begin and pass speedily when expressing thoughts, feelings, ideas, and passion as a doula. Writing proves to be a powerful form of expression, even if the process does not always meet with consistency.
As a doula, your blog will be comprised of a series of posts, about birth of course, as well as subjects that relate to the full spectrum from pre-birth to postpartum and whatever else there is in between.
Once you open up with expressions by blogging or journaling you will find that your words can be simple and at the same time should be authentic. There are a number of blogging platforms and I myself have tried a few. In the end, I opted for Showit with WordPress integrated into the platform. I had tried a few of the WordPress templates and even purchased a few WordPress templates from design sites, ultimately I found WordPress complex and difficult to use in this way and in my frustration, did not get the results that I needed or wanted. Showit with the WordPress integration helped me to design a lovely website and blog component that proved to be beautiful, feminine, and completely professional in appearance.
When you write your blog entries, write about your business, its vision and what motivates you to do what you do. Fertile Optimism started for me as a way for me and women of advanced reproductive years to remain optimistic in the face of infertility and to be a nurturing component for the woman of advanced reproductive years during labor and childbirth. In time it grew to be about the entire reproductive journey of women from the “fertile period” through to menopause. Fertile Optimism is about the emotions, the feelings surrounding the fertility and the reproductive health journey, the challenge to conceive, the remedies that help, the attitude needed to cope, and the paradigm shift that life does not end when menopause begins.
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A wife, daughter, sister and more with a love for people and a desire to help. Giving emphasis on the woman of advanced reproductive years to help you remove the obstacles that are preventing you from becoming a mother, and if that time has all but passed, to support you as you navigate gracefully through your new reality.
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